The renowned Chilean choreographer Jose Vidal, who is well known for his mass-choreographies, created EMERGENZ as a part of a production by KAMPNAGEL. EMERGENZ was premiered in 2019 in Hamburg. In the production 22 dancers from Germany worked with 20 dancers from Vidals Company CIA as well as 60 laities. In a collective creative process a multi-sensorial experience produced by 100 human bodies on stage emerged.
Accompanied with live electro-compositions by Diego Noguera and projections of light- and video-artists such as Andrea Gana, Octavio Gana and Julio Escobar EMERGENZ invites you to expand the limits of perception and creates collective awareness and movement without individual differences and distances.
In times of social and cultural transformation, the Chilean choreographer Jose Vidal created EMERGER as a part of the international theater festival SANTIAGO A MIL in cooperation with KAMPNAGEL. 21 Chilean and 20 foreign dancers from different countries worked and performed with a high number of citizens from three different neighborhoods of Santiago.
In order to have an impact on the society, the 3 performances were taken to the streets. The energy of a hundreds of bodies at the streets can be understood as a call for loving resistance and taking shelter in a sense of community.
Ukrainian musicians and dancers from Germany produced a performance for RESPUBLICA, one of the biggest music and street art festivals in the Ukraine. Unter the production management of Borys Shevshenko, the artists worked together in Germany for some weeks and later in the Ukraine.
The interaction of instruments and body movement were focused on in the process. Therefore a conversation between a dancer and a live played instrument was developed. Besides a deeper understanding of music and movement, intercultural experiences were incorporated in the performance.
How do threads and unbearable conditions force change, movement and flight?
This was the main question in the production Flight and Command. Together with Ben Wichert and AnDy Calypso different performers of the urban dance scene developed a piece in which the artists processed their own experiences. The premiere of the performance in 2017 at Theater der Welt in cooperation with the Hip Hop Academy showed the community as a bridge between boundaries and as a energy resource.
As a member of the professional level (level 4) of the HipHop Academy Hamburg I am booked for numerous dance-theater productions and stage acts, such as: SOLO ACT at HIP HOP ACADEMY GALA in cooperation with Kampnagel, preact of FLYING BACH, Solo and duo performances for REVUE, FLIGHT AND COMMAND and further performances in Marseille or Copenhagen.
Nadja Häussler